Summertime Blues, I mean, News

This summer’s news threw me into a whirlpool of fear, sadness and outrage. Turmoil every which way you turn—Israel and Palestine, Syria, Liberia, Ukraine, Fergusson—just to name a few. The tension and concern is palpable. You might have noticed that the world falling...


The family and I are planning a trip to Europe, including a jaunt to Paris (I’m a first-timer), so I figured I’d pick up some handy French phrases on Youtube. Among other expressions, I learned that the literal French translation of “I had a good...


Do you ever notice how many times you hold back your enthusiasm, your brilliance, your energy, your beauty, your sensuality? It’s so easy, perhaps even habitual, to put ourselves into unassuming little cardboard boxes. Small things like talking negatively about...

Do Good Yoga

What is “good” yoga? Good yoga is yoga you can count on. Good yoga doesn’t force you to be happy, or super-bendy or ultra-zen. Good yoga allows you the space to feel. Good yoga is honest. Good yoga asks your mind chatter to quiet just long enough for you to enjoy the...

The Self-Negator (Rhymes with The Terminator)

I’m just minding my own business and it starts up. The wondering what he/she thinks. The putting myself down for no real good reason. It’ll show up when I second-guess my parenting, in certain social interactions, and in witnessing my own aging. Ugh. In...