Sacred Space

I’ve been living with some kind of exotic creature-maybe you’ve heard of, or seen, or even been one yourself—-an adolescent. And though many days are relatively smooth sailing, there are phases where I become the object of my adolescent’s angst. Which basically...

keeping it Real

“I love how you keep it real”, remarked a friend regarding a recent blog. “You know, you let it all hang out.” Uhhhh. Okaaaay. Faking it, sugar coating it, denying it—squanders my energy and yours too. The truth is: Life is amazing and...

Better Parenting Through Yoga

Each day as a parent offers new and different challenges.  Some days we feel like heroes and other days, the struggle is fierce and we falter. For those occasions when we stumble, help is on the way! We all know the physical benefits of yoga, and here are some ways...

In Search of Normalcy

An early-unexpected snow day and the kids are out of their minds excited, as if they haven’t had school vacation in a year. And though I’ve been craving normalcy and routine, I’m secretly happy that we have one more special day to chill together. But...

2014: The Year of Mastering the Art of Receiving

Christmas was a hit this year. It is every year, but something about this year was particularly powerful. On Christmas morning, I watched as each of my children gleefully ripped open presents and beautifully and deeply absorbed each gift. As a child, I too received...


‘M ON THE RUN. I can’t wait for the holidays to be over. It’s all just too much. Too much eating, drinking, shopping, running around, gift-wrapping, doing. Yes, there is genuinely a lot to do. And, like so many of you reading this, I take on more...