That’s SOOOO 2014….

Funny thing about resolutions. If we’re not careful, they tell us about what we don’t have, what’s missing, what needs fixing, where we’re falling short. Wouldn’t it be a priceless if, this year, the resolution was simply to enjoy all the good that is already here? In...

Slow Down? Not a Chance.

This time of year, it simply may not be possible to “slow down” or take something off your to-do list. On top of that, when we’re the only one responsible for getting it all done, it’s easy to feel alone and overwhelmed. To help work with this...

Choose Love.

It’s confusing how the holidays, which are supposed to be about love, can inspire a good deal of anxiety. How would a difficult family situation, or a meaningful decision be transformed if we ask ourselves this question: Do I choose Fear, or Do I choose Love? You...

Live-in Gurus: Your Children

It started over a new special sweater. Our two eldest daughters were having a massive screaming match that devolved into a physical fight. Then our youngest managed to get herself in the middle —and that didn’t end well. And then, I lost it. After a...

Get me to The B.A.R.

Sometimes life sends us those small annoying storms—the lost phone, the bad hair coloring job, the cranky kids. And sometimes the storms are more significant milestones—a real loss, a diagnosis, a deeper disappointment or betrayal. When life comes along...

Nourishing Ourselves

That beautiful crisp autumn air ushers in a natural time to reflect on where things are in our lives. For me, the question that keeps surfacing is–How can we nourish ourselves at the deepest level? Sure, food choices come to mind, but that’s not my focus...